Happy 7 months Brennan! You are becoming such a big boy. You weigh about 20 lbs. and are about 27 inches long. You are moving into 12 month clothes now. You are a very happy little fellow, with a smile that lights up your whole face and our whole world.
It has been a fun month. We celebrated Independence Day with a swim party on the
3rd, and with friends and fireworks on the 4th. You woke up for the fireworks and watched like you saw them all the time. We celebrated Granny's birthday with cake and ice cream at their house on the 9th. You attended your first wedding, for Brandon and Emily, on July 17th. We hosted a supper club that night, and your friend Connor came to play. A big event this month was our trip to Gulf Shores. It was our first family vacation, and your first stay away from home. You are such an easygoing little guy, and traveled very well. We left at 5 a.m., so I just got you out of bed and put you in the car. You slept for the first 3 1/2 hours of the drive. When you woke up we stopped for gas, and to feed and change you. I found a surprise when I took you out of the carseat. You had one of the most messy diapers yet! I thought with the five bags that were packed for you that I had prepared for everything. I wasn't quite prepared for this one though. Luckily it did not get on your carseat, but I ended up throwing those p.js away. The rest of the trip was much less messy. The first time you touched the sand and felt the water you squealed and laughed. You loved holding the sand in your hands and tried to eat a little. Because of the large oil spill in the Gulf, the beaches were not crowded. We did not see any oil, but did see teams cleaning it up in different places. The pool had water shooting up at different places, and you loved to splash in it. You would soak your whole self, face and all, then just laugh. It was a great trip for us all.
You have tried more foods this month, and there is nothing you don't like so far. You love to eat! You sit up very well and are trying to crawl. So far you can go from sitting to a crawling position, and then scoot backwards. You also sit and turn in circles. Sometimes you scoot while sitting too. Mostly you prefer someone there to move you, but with a little fussing you will go on your own. You love to be held up to walk also. You still love to sing songs including: Itsy Bitsy Spider, Old McDonald, ABC, Wheels On the Bus, and Lover, Lover (since our country music on vacation). Playing on the floor is one of your favorite activities. You love to look at books, play ball, knock down stacks of blocks, and chew on everything. You've been trying over half your life now, but you still don't have a tooth.
There aren't many things you don't like these days. You don't like the sound of the food processor/ blender, and will cry if you're in the room. The only other thing you don't like is sleeping in your bed. You wake up repeatedly, and it takes awhile to get you back to sleep. You would prefer to just sleep with Mommy and Daddy, and that does happen. You are doing a little better in your bed now that I put you on your side. You'll sleep there until sometime in the middle of the night. I'm hoping this gets better quickly.
We go for a walk everyday. You sit back, kick your feet up, and relax in your stroller. Our routine has stayed pretty much the same so far. You nap around 11 a.m. most days, and then again around 2 p.m. You eat four times a day. You have a bottle at each feeding, one fruit a day, one veggie, and cereal twice. I think this is going to increase soon though. Our whole routine is about to change as well. We are about to have to start sharing each other everyday. I start back to work next week, and you'll start your rotations with Daddy, Nonna, and Miss Bethany. I've known for seven months that I would struggle with this change. I'm hoping you will take it in stride though. I'm going to miss our days together so much, but I will be so excited to see you every afternoon.
You are an amazing little boy Brennan Abbott! We love you so!
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