Tuesday, September 17, 2013

One Month Old

  • About 11 lbs.
  • 21 1/2 inches
  • Sleeps 4-6 hours at a time at night
  • Eats every 3-4 hours
  • Size 1 diapers and 3 month clothes

We've known each other for a month Rowe, and you have fit right into our family. Your brother is so proud of you! He doesn't like for you to be upset and often says,"Don't cry my baby!" He has also given you several nicknames, with Daddy's help, including: Rowe Cat, Robot, and Rowe E (with a long e on the end). Overall, you are a pretty easy baby. You love to sleep in your swing, like car rides ok but prefer the car to be moving, have made your own schedule for eating and sleeping during the day, wake easily to loud noises including Brennan and Wells, and like to be awake most when we are ready to go to bed each night. You started sleeping in your crib at about two weeks old because you kept scooting to the side of the bassinet and putting your face up against the fabric side. That's how you were sleeping during your last ultrasound, so I'm sure it was comforting to you....but pretty scary for me. You are holding your head up for longer periods of time and starting to interact with us more each day. You have had lots of visitors in your one month here, and gone lots of places with us. You are also growing and growing. You no longer have to have a supplement bottle, but do still take one or two at night to help you be full. You are sleeping better at night, most nights at least. You usually sleep about four hours, eat, then sleep another four. One night you did sleep six straight hours. You still sleep quite a bit during the day too.

August 19: Came home
August 23: 1st trip out other than doctor
August  30th: lost umbilical cord
August 28th: Debut at church
August 29th: 1st pictures
September 1st: 1st Sunday at church and 1st bath
September 4th: Back to birth weight
September 6th: Date night with Mommy and Daddy
September 9th: First checkup 10 lbs. 6 ozs.   21 1/2 inches
September 14th: Celebrated Daddy's birthday

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