Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fun, Fun, Fun

I found some inspiration for the bathroom:

In case the color doesn't show too well, the rug has a dark blue background with turquoise and kiwi green. They are very vivid in person. These are my favorite colors! I decided to stop at T.J. Maxx yesterday and just see what I could find. This may be the first time EVER that I've gone looking for inspiration and found it on the first try. I usually find the stuff I love when I don't need it. The rug background matches the counter, so I'm going to paint the room and then decide how I like the counter blue. I want it to look clean and fresh, so something lighter may work better. I plan to add a white (or green :) mirror and white shelves. I also want to paint a little chair or stool one of the bright colors, and put the pillow on it. Now to decide on a paint color. I have several options in the barn to start with, and I'll go from there. EEK! I can't wait to get started! I hope the hubs likes it, since he's seeing it for the first time with you!

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